Advocating for English Learners:
Selected Essays by James Crawford

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Multilingual Matters, 2008; 200pp
Table of Contents
Making Sense of Census 2000
Monolingual and Proud of It
Heritage Languages in America: Tapping a ‘Hidden’ Resource
Plus ça Change ...
Concern or Intolerance: What’s Driving the Anti-Bilingual
The Bilingual Education Story: Why Can’t the News Media Get
It Right?
Ten Common Fallacies about Bilingual Education
Agenda for Inaction
‘Accountability’ vs. Science in the Bilingual Education Debate
Hard Sell: Why is Bilingual Education so Unpopular with the
American Public?
Has Two-Way Been Oversold?
Surviving the English-Only Assault: Public Attitudes and the
Future of Language Education
Official English Legislation: Bad for Civil Rights, Bad for America’s
Interests, and Even Bad for English
The Bilingual Education Act, 1968–2002: An Obituary
No Child Left Behind: Misguided Approach to School
Accountability for English Language Learners
A Diminished Vision of Civil Rights
The Decline of Bilingual Education in the USA: How to Reverse a
Troubling Trend?
Loose Ends in a Tattered Fabric: The Inconsistency of Language Rights in the United States