Advocating for English Learners:
Selected Essays by James Crawford

Advocating for English Learners
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Multilingual Matters, 2008; 200pp

Table of Contents

Introduction open access
Making Sense of Census 2000 excerpt full text
Monolingual and Proud of It open access
Heritage Languages in America: Tapping a ‘Hidden’ Resource excerpt full text
Plus ça Change ... open access
Concern or Intolerance: What’s Driving the Anti-Bilingual
    Campaign? open access
The Bilingual Education Story: Why Can’t the News Media Get
    It Right? excerpt full text
Ten Common Fallacies about Bilingual Education open access
Agenda for Inaction open access
‘Accountability’ vs. Science in the Bilingual Education Debate excerpt full text
Hard Sell: Why is Bilingual Education so Unpopular with the
    American Public? excerpt full text
Has Two-Way Been Oversold? open access
Surviving the English-Only Assault: Public Attitudes and the
    Future of Language Education excerpt full text
Official English Legislation: Bad for Civil Rights, Bad for America’s
    Interests, and Even Bad for English open access
The Bilingual Education Act, 1968–2002: An Obituary open access
No Child Left Behind: Misguided Approach to School
    Accountability for English Language Learners open access
A Diminished Vision of Civil Rights excerpt full text
The Decline of Bilingual Education in the USA: How to Reverse a
    Troubling Trend? excerpt full text
Loose Ends in a Tattered Fabric: The Inconsistency of Language Rights in the United States excerpt full text
References open access

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