Issues in U.S. Language Policy
Unz Initiative News Clips
1998 Archive
- Prop. 227 Defended by Unz in Santa Rosa Debate
– Initiative sponsor debates James Crawford, fails
to sway Sonoma County audience.
Santa Rosa Press Democrat, 1 April 1998.
- Bilingual Ed Foe Irked by Repeal of State Law –
Unz opposes local flexibility, wants to "slam the door" on native
language instruction.
Bakersfield Californian, 1 April 1998
- San Francisco Bilingual Program Cited as Model
– Supt. Rojas highlights student gains to refute
San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 April 1998
- U.S. House Votes To Cut 1998
Funds Already Approved for Bilingual Ed. – Rescission would help "pay
for" disaster relief and overseas military operations.
NABE Advisory, 1 April 1998
- Assembly Panel OKs Bilingual Standards –
Compromise bill advances as Democrats move to outflank Unz.
Sacramento Bee, 2 April 1998
- White House Panel to Oppose Prop. 227
– One-size-fits-all "could be devastating."
Los Angeles Times, 3 April 1998
- S.J., Federal Officials Decry Anti-Bilingual Ballot
Issue – Unz condemned as threat to parental choice.
San Jose Mercury News, 4 April 1998
- An Incomplete Translation –
"Prop. 227 is based on a model immersion program that educators
say does not exist."
Q & A With Gloria Matta Tuchman
– Initative cosponsor admits to using
bilingual aides in her "sheltered immersion" classroom.
Contra Costa Times, 6 April 1998
- Bilingual
Education – Prop. 227 would impose an untested and unsupported English-only
mandate on local schools.
National Public Radio, 7 April 1998
(requires RealAudio) 
- New Bilingual Ed Policy OK'd –
State Board of Education reaffirms "local flexibility" in teaching
English learners, in contrast to state mandate proposed by Prop. 227.
Sacramento Bee, 9 April 1998
- Spanish-Language Media Emerging Star in Politics
– Unz plans media blitz in Spanish.
San Diego Union-Tribune, 9 April 1998
- Riordan Backs Move to End Bilingual Classes
– LA mayor endorses Prop. 227, draws criticism
as "misinformed."
Los Angeles Times, 10 April 1998
Letters to the
Editor by John Espinoza, Larry Wiener, and Manuel Caraveo
- Local Asian Civic Leaders Back Prop. 227
– "But the county's Asian-American
community remains divided on the anti-bilingual measure."
Orange County Register, 10 April 1998
- Gulf of California: Prop. 227 Splits Teachers
– Initiative supporters cite job security
Los Angeles Times, 12 April 1998
- Voters to Decide Measures on Schools, Unions, Other
Issues – Classroom
in Orange school district offers preview of Unz's hardships for limited-English
Associated Press, 12 April 1998
- Bilingual Education Ban Widely Supported
– In another misleading poll, 63% support
Prop. 227; yet 52% believe "school districts should have more
flexibility to choose the method they think is best to teach students with
limited English skills."
information on the Los Angeles Times Poll 
Los Angeles Times, 13 April 1998
- Wilson, Eastin Testy on Exam
– California mandate for English-only
achievement tests at issue.
San Francisco Examiner, 13 April 1998
- 2 More O.C. Districts Join
Fight vs. Unz Plan – Prop. 227 repudiated
by school board in Santa Ana, home district of
cosponsor Gloria Matta Tuchman; officials cite "economic benefits
of bilingual education."
Orange County Register, 15 April 1998
- Santa Ana School Board Opposes Prop. 227
– Tuchman's failure to appear called "cowardly."
Los Angeles Times, 16 April 1998
- In Any Language, the Fight Is On Over Bilingual
Instruction – Latinos
vs. vendidos: backlash spreads to Denver and Albuquerque.
Los Angeles Times, 16 April 1998
- Supporters of Bilingual Education Go on the Offensive
– Prop. 227 denounced as "meat-cleaver"
Los Angeles Times, 17 April 1998
- Assembly OKs Bilingual Education Bill
– Legislative compromise would reaffirm
local districts' flexibility to choose programs for English learners.
San Diego Union-Tribune, 21 April 1998
- Assembly Tries to Beat Prop. 227 to the Punch
– Alpert bill puts burden on Unz to justify
statewide mandate for one-size-fits-all approach.
Los Angeles Times, 21 April 1998
- Divided Assembly Approves Bilingual Education
Bill – "Imperfect
solution" described as best hope of derailing Unz.
Sacramento Bee, 21 April 1998
- Bilingual Ed Authority Opposes 227
– Prof. Stephen Krashen denounces "destructive
experiment with English."
Bakersfield Californian, 22 April 1998
- Students Hold March In Concord
– 2,000 Bay Area students walk out of
school in biggest protest to date against Prop. 227.
San Francisco Chronicle, 23 April 1998
- Prop. 227 Described as 'Disaster in the Making'
– Unz initiative would threaten English
acquisition, says researcher Stephen Krashen.
Fresno Bee, 23 April 1998
- Prop. 227's Critics Attack Mandated Adult-Literacy
Cost – No on Unz
campaign stresses initiative's $500 million expenditure for immigrant classes.
Sacramento Bee, 23 April 1998
- Many Back Bilingual Education
– Univision Poll finds strong support
for program among Hispanics.
Houston Chronicle, 24 April 1998
- Putting Education to the Test
– Immigrants recall personal experiences
in explaining their opposition to Prop. 227.
Los Angeles Times, 26 April 1998
- Foes say Prop. 227 is Racist
– Many Latinos and Asians perceive initiative
as another attack by bigots.
Contra Costa Times, 26 April 1998
- Bilingual Education Debate
Hits Porterville – Krashen carries campaign
against Unz to Tulare County.
Fresno Bee, 26 April 1998
- White House to Announce Opposition to Prop. 227
Policy – Clinton
set to criticize initiative, but also to promote a 3-year limit on bilingual
Los Angeles Times, 27 April 1998
- White House to Fight California Initiative to Ban
Bilingual Classes –
Clinton Administration signals determination to fight Unz politically and,
if necessary, in court to combat threat to students' civil rights.
New York Times, 28 April 1998
- Education Secretary Blasts Proposition 227
– Riley says anti-bilingual measure would
be a "disaster for children."
San Francisco Chronicle, 28 April 1998
- Bilingual Debate Becomes Partisan
– Wilson lashes out at statement
by Sec. Riley, says Californians don't need outsiders telling them
how to vote.
San Jose Mercury News, 28 April 1998
- Wilson Leaning Toward Support of Unz Measure
– Only reservation is $500 million appropriation
for adult English instruction, governor says.
Los Angeles Times, 28 April 1998
- Foes of 227 Note Loss of Local Control –
President's opposition highlights issue of one-size-fits-all mandates vs.
educational flexibility.
Contra Costa Times, 28 April 1998
- Tongue Twister
– Beneath a grinning exterior, Unz's character shines through.
Sonoma County Independent, 23-29 April 1998
- What Price English?
– Parents protest Santa Barbara's decision to eliminate bilingual
Education Week, 29 April 1998
- Voters, Teachers Don't Speak the Same Language
– "Nebulous" phrasing of Prop. 227
likely to bring litigation, confusion, disruption of school operations.
Contra Costa Times, 29 April 1998
- O.C. Students Slow To Gain English Fluency, Study
Says – Immersion programs provide no short-cut;
Unz's one-year approach opposed even by anti-bilingual districts.
Orange County Register, 29 April 1998
- Prop. 227 Author, Foe Face-to-Face at Forum
– Unz encounters critical audience at
Bay Area debate.
Contra Costa Times, 30 April 1998
Program Advisory for Programs
for English Learners –
California State Board of Education Policy establishing a preference for
bilingual instruction, adopted July 14, 1995 and rescinded March 12, 1998;
alternative policy to be considered in April 1998.
Delaine Eastin Statement
– Superintendent of Public Instruction opposes Board action reversing
its bilingual education policy, vows to continue "upholding the law,"
in press release dated March 12, 1998.
- Bilingual Education Faces Test
– Confusing court ruling in Orange USD
case may limit oversight of LEP programs by State Board of Education.
Orange County Register, 7 March 1998
- State Overhauls Rules on Bilingual Education
– State Board of Education lifts native-language
preference, endorses "local flexibility" in educating English
learners; political fallout likely to affect Prop. 227.
Los Angeles Times, 13 March 1998
- State Abandons Policy, Leaves It up to Districts
– Implications of eliminating bilingual
preference remain uncertain in the classroom, at the voting booth.
San Francisco Chronicle, 13 March 1998
- State Revokes Bilingual Mandate: Let Districts
Decide, Education Panel Says –
Impact of policy change remains a matter of debate.
Sacramento Bee, 13 March 1998
- State Ends Bilingual Mandate
– Orange County districts get their way, but
Unz initiative sponsor remains unsatisfied.
May Not Be Imminent in O.C. Schools
of State's Bilingual Effort
Orange County Register, 13
March 1998
- Bilingual Teaching Setback –
Policy shift highlights issue of local schools' accountability.
San Jose Mercury News, 13 March 1998
- State Puts an End to Bilingual Mandate
– Central Valley school officials see
no impact on local district policies.
Fresno Bee, 13 March 1998
- School Districts Add Local
Voice to Bilingual Debate – State Board action could break logjam on
Sen. Alpert's compromise bill.
San Diego Union-Tribune, 14 March 1998
A New Bilingual Era: School Board Repeals a
State Requirement – EDITORIAL: What the State
Board granted districts in local control, Unz would take away.
San Diego Union-Tribune, 14 March 1998
- State's Bilingual Decision Muddies Prop. 227
Debate – New policy
of flexibility could make Unz initiative a referendum on local control.
San Francisco Chronicle, 14 March 1998
- Bilingual: Not Optional
– EDITORIAL: State Board decision should
not be taken as a green light for schools to ignore the needs of English
San Francisco Chronicle, 14 March 1998
- Reaction to Bilingual Education Decision Varies
– Disputes over school policy continue,
as Supt. Eastin vows to "uphold the law" until changed by the
No Change, Gracias
– Ventura County schools plan to
keep bilingual programs, despite state offer.
Los Angeles Times, 14 March 1998
- Pro-Bilingual Parents not
Surrendering –
State policy change inspires local grassroots efforts to ensure that bilingual
programs continue.
Orange County Register, 14 March 1998
- No Change Here on Bilingual Education
– California law always allowed for flexibility,
according to Glendale USD, which offers bilingual programs in Armenian,
Korean, Tagalog, and Spanish.
Glendale News-Press, 14 March 1998
- Leece Pushes for Shift to English-only
– School board member hails State Board
action as proof that "prayer works;"; advocates English-only
rule for all school personnel.
Daily Pilot (Newport Beach), 14 March 1998
Letter to the Editor: The
Apostles Were Multilingual
Daily Pilot (Newport Beach),
19 March 1998
- Mother Tongue-Tied –
EDITORIAL: Board of Education decision should foster a legislative compromise
on bilingual education before it's too late.
San Jose Mercury News, 16 March 1998
- Bilingual Decision Creates a Prop. 227 Paradox,
by Peter Schrag – End of bilingual mandate
puts "one size fits all" advocates on the defensive.
Sacramento Bee, 18 March 1998
- New Bilingual Ed Policy OK'd –
State Board of Education reaffirms "local flexibility" in teaching
English learners, in contrast to state mandate proposed by Prop. 227.
Sacramento Bee, 9 April 1998
- Unz's Bilingual Measure Assailed from Right
– Immigration restrictionists fear impact on Prop.
Sacramento Bee, 1 February 1998
- Boards Oppose English Initiative
– Momentum against Unz builds among educators,
including the Bay Area's three largest school districts.
San Jose Mercury News, 2 February 1998
- Foe of Bilingual Education Considers Superintendent
Bid – Gloria Matta
Tuchman hopes to ride Unz initiative to Sacramento.
Los Angeles Times, 4 February 1998
- Bilingual Teachers Prepare To Fight Unz Measure
– No on Unz campaign raises money, maps
San Jose Mercury News, 5 February 1998
- Un Grito (a Call) to Battle
– California Association for Bilingual
Education, meeting in San Jose, shows determination to beat Unz.
Los Angeles Times, 6 February 1998
- Bilingual Education Foe on Ballot for Top Schools
Post – Tuchman unveils
candidacy, but won't talk about platform or supporters.
San Francisco Chronicle, 6 February 1998
- Unz Takes Blow from the Right
– Legal quandry: Republicans question
whether initiative would guarantee schooling for undocumented students.
San Jose Mercury News, 9 February 1998
- Voters Set to Dump Bilingual Education, Poll
Shows – Unz support
declines in Field survey; most Californians still unaware of initiative.
San Francisco Chronicle, 10 February 1998
- Bilingual Classes Get Support in Poll
– Latinos exppress strong support for native-language
programs, but confusion about initiative persists.
Los Angeles Times, 10 February 1998
- He Speaks Language of Activism to Community
– Grassroots organizing against Unz –
and for bilingual education – intensifies.
Orange County Register, 14 February 1998
- Educators Ponder Tactics Against 3 Measures
– Initiatives threaten to wreak havoc
in California schools, provoking a costly response by education groups.
Los Angeles Times, 24 February 1998
- Schools Challenge Wilson, Resist English-only Standardized
Test – Superintendents
engage in civil disobedience – a harbinger on Unz?
San Francisco Examiner, 25 February 1998
- Pros, Cons of Bilingual Education Heard
– Rep. Frank Riggs, now seeking the Republican
nomination for Senate from California, holds a hearing to consider federal
legislation similar to the Unz initiative.
San Diego Union-Tribune, 19 February 1998
- City Can Keep English-Immersion Schools
– State Board of Education gives Orange
County district a green light for English-only approach.
Orange County Register, 8 January 1998
- Proposal Would Undercut Bilingual-Ed Foes
– Assemblyman proposes counter-initiative
to block Unz, safeguard local control of curriculum.
Sacramento Bee, 8 January 1998
- The English Man – Profile
of the initiative's chief sponsor: the weird world of Ron Unz.
San Jose Mercury News West Magazine, 11 January 1998
- Honda Fighting English-Only Initiative
– Proposed constitutional amendment would
ensure local control, override Unz.
San Jose Mercury News, 13 January 1998
- Speaking up for Bilingual Ed
– Unz opponents get organized.
San Francisco Examiner, 14 January 1998
- Santa Barbara Schools Seek to End Bilingual Education
– School board ignores pleas of minority
Los Angeles Times, 16 January 1998
- State PTA Joins Opposition to 'English for the
Children' Initiative –
Parents group challenges Unz.
Los Angeles Times, 17 January 1998
- Schools Measure Derailed
– Counter-initiative falters in committee.
San Jose Mercury News, 17 January 1998
- Unz Keeps Focus on Bilingual Issue
– Initiative sponsor conceals his larger
agenda: waging war on cultural diversity.
Sacramento Bee, 19 January 1998
- Protest Against Anti-Bilingual Ballot Measure
– Language-minority parents picket company
owned by Unz.
San Francisco Chronicle, 21 January 1998
- A Bedrock Of Bilingual Education
– Virginia program provides contrast to
California counterparts in community support.
Washington Post, 22 January 1998
- Unz Initiative Opponents Gain Support, Confidence
– Anti-bilingual tide is turning, organizers say.
Hispanic Link, 25 January 1998
- No Habla Español –
Move to scrap bilingual education divides Santa Barbara along ethnic lines.
Time Magazine, 26 January 1998
- State May Set U.S. Path on Bilingual Ed
– Passage of the Unz initiative could
unleash attacks on bilingual education nationwide.
Sacramento Bee, 26 January 1998
- Bill to Fix Bilingual Education Pushed Before Unz
Vote – Opinionis
are mixed on prospects for compromise legislation.
Los Angeles Times, 26 January 1998
- Bilingual Education Gets Cheers
– Unz initiative attacked at bilingual
education conference.
Riverside Press-Enterprise, 30 January 1998
- Diverse Voices Heard on Race at Stanford Forum
– Unz attacks bilingual research as "utter
and complete garbage."
San Francisco Chronicle, 31 January 1998
1997 Archive
