Resolution No. 97/98-1967
Board of Education

Santa Ana Unified School District

Opposition to Proposition 227:
English as Required Language of Instruction Initiative

Adopted April 14, 1998 (4 ayes, 1 no)

WHEREAS, there is currently an initiative titled "Proposition 227, English as Required Language of Instruction Initiative" which has qualified for the June 1998 ballot; and

WHEREAS, this initiative would mandate a single statewide teaching methodology for all students learning English and would prevent local educators from determining the instructional strategies most effective for their students; and

WHEREAS, this initiative would circumvent the local community's ability to have their locally elected governing board make educational choices and decisions for the students and be held accountable for student performance due to those choices; and

WHEREAS, this initiative would require the district to eliminate current programs for English learners which have documented successful results for children; and

WHEREAS, noting in this initiative purports to measure the academic progress of students or holds schools accountable for teaching students to learn English quickly and effectively; and

WHEREAS, the initiative does not provide the district with the ability to use other methodologies if the district's students are not successful in reaching local and state standards through the method prescribed by the initiative; and

WHEREAS, this initiative does not provide schools, students or parents with any additional tools to achieve the new academic standards as approved by the State Board of Education; and

WHEREAS, the Santa Ana Unified School District Board of Education believes that the initiative would have a detrimental impact on the education of students learning English; and

WHEREAS, the California School Boards Association voted to oppose Proposition 227, English as Required Language of Instruction Initiative.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Santa Ana Unified School District's Board of Education declares is official opposition to Proposition 227, English as Required Language of Instruction Initiative.