Issues in U.S. Language Policy
Unz Initiative News Clips
1997 Archive
1998 Archive
- Teachers Union Vote Upholds Bilingual Education
Support – 32,000-member
United Teachers-Los Angeles declines to endorse Unz.
Los Angeles Times, 2 December 1997
- Bilingual Debate Comes to L.A.
– Pressed by lawmakers, Ron Unz fails
to muster evidence to support his claims.
Los Angeles Times, 3 December 1997
- School Trustees Fault English-Only Drive
– California School Boards Association
opposes Unz as threat to local control.
Orange County Register, 5 December 1997
- Key Lawmakers Work To Revive Bilingual Bill
– Compromise legislation in the works
in Sacramento.
Sacramento Bee, 6 December 1997
- District Wants Non-Bilingual Program OKd
– English-only program falls short in
Westminster; LEP students learn English more slowly than statewide average.
Los Angeles Times, 8 December 1997
- Big Majorities In Poll Support Bilingual Limit
– Field Poll finds contradictory results
on Unz.
San Francisco Chronicle, 9 December 1997
- Voters Would End Bilingual Education
– 69% of Californians support initiative,
but 52% dispute one-year limit to learn English.
San Diego Union-Tribune, 9 December 1997
- English Lessons: The Bilingual Debate
– Series of articles featuring bilingual
and English-only programs in San Jose.
San Jose Mercury News, 14 December 1997
- Two Schools of Thought –
Detailed discussion of bilingual vs. immersion approaches.
San Diego Union-Tribune, 21 December 1997
- Law's Expiration Hasn't Hampered Enforcement
– Alpert-Firestone bill would curtail
state enforcement of bilingual education rules, but stop short of banning
the program.
San Diego Union-Tribune, 22 December 1997
- English Immersion Initiative
Makes Ballot – Californians will vote June 2 on bilingual education
Los Angeles Times, 24 December 1997
- Teacher Hopes To Set Standard for English Instruction
– Gloria Matta Tuchman preaches English-only,
but uses Spanish in her own class; unable to support claims of English
proficiency in one year.
Orange County Register, 28 December 1997
- Unz Crusades to End Bilingual Education
– The personality and ideological motivations
of Ron Unz could become a central issue in the campaign.
Orange County Register, 29 December 1997
- Bilingual Education Split Not on Strict Ethnic
Lines – Debate rages
on Latino views of Unz initiative.
San Francisco Examiner, 2 November 1997
- Illegal Immigrants Remain a Concern Despite Economy
– Another Los Angeles Times poll asked
a different question and found much stronger public support for toward
bilingual education.
Los Angeles Times, 2 November 1997
- Bilingual Education Suffers Blow
– Far Right sweeps Orange school board
election; 86% of voters endorse anti-bilingual policy.
Associated Press, 5 November 1997
- Vote Presages Battle On Bilingual Education
– Analysts debate the implications of
the Orange school board election for next year's vote on Unz.
San Francisco Chronicle, 6 November 1997
- Checchi Unveils His Bilingual Education Plan
– Democratic candidates for governor oppose
Unz, seek compromise on bilingual ed.
Los Angeles Times, 7 November 1997
- Latino Crowd Hostile to Author of Bid to Curb Bilingual
Teaching – Asked about research evidence, "billionaire"
responds with anecdotes.
Los Angeles Times, 9 November 1997
- Bilingual Ed War Heats Up –
San Diego County debates Unz initiative.
North County Times, 9 November 1997
- Pollsters Skeptical of Anti-Bilingual Findings
– Los Angeles Times poll critiqued by
North County Times, 9 November 1997
- Bilingual Education Critics File Petitions
– Unz files signatures, claiming more
than enough to qualify initiative.
Los Angeles Times, 14 November 1997
- Bilingual Education Opponents Start Filing
– Citizens for an Educated America campaign targets
anti-bilingual initiative.
Sacramento Bee, 14 November 1997
- Prop. 187 Found Unconstitutional by Federal Judge
– 1994 anti-immigrant initiative, which
would have excluded undocumented children from California schools, is struck
Los Angeles Times, 15 November 1997
- Supporters Speak Out for Bilingual Education
– Ventura County activists mobilize against
Los Angeles Times, 23 November 1997
- Bilingual Program's Defenders Mobilizing –
Unz initiative opponents plot strategy: inform the public of its extreme
Sacramento Bee, 23 November 1997
- Is
It Hasta La Vista for Bilingual Ed? – Largely uncritical portrait of
Ron Unz and his claims.
U.S. News & World Report, 24 November 1997
- Bilingual Proponents Strike Back
– Citizens for an Educated America holds
its first press conference, denounces Unz as extremist.
San Jose Mercury News, 26 November 1997
- Choice Looms: Fix or End
Bilingual Education System – Unz initiative would have sweeping impact
on local schools.
Sacramento Bee, 5 October 1997
- Bilingual Divide – Passage
of Unz would bring "chaos in schools."
Contra Costa Times, 5 October 1997
- Parents Press Bilingual Effort
at New School – Language maintenance program proves popular in Santa
Los Angeles Times, 6 October 1997
- Issa Ads Support Bilingual Initiative –
Candidate for Republican Senate campaign launches $2 million radio blitz.
Sacramento Bee, 9 October 1997
- Bilingual Education Gets Little Support –
Biased question elicits "overwhelming
support" for Unz initiative.
Los Angeles Times, 15 October 1997
Pollster's question,
omitted from the Times story, offers a poor explanation
of the initiative and its implications.
Letter to the Editor,
by Stephen Krashen
Los Angeles Times, 21 October
- Anti-Bilingual Drive's Tone Is Key for Latinos
– Immigrant bashing could open Hispanic eyes about
Los Angeles Times, 16 October 1997
- Star Latino Teacher Joins Bilingual Foes –
Escalante delivers for Unz.
Sacramento Bee, 16 October 1997
- Bilingual Foes Seek Latino Vote –
Fear and loathing among California Republicans.
San Francisco Examiner, 19 October 1997
- Bill Would Transpose Bilingual Class Preference
– One-size-fits-all measure to limit parental choice.
Oakland Tribune, 20 October 1997
- Foes of Bilingual Education Encounter Hostile
Crowd at UC Berkeley –
Unz claims rejected by students.
San Francisco Chronicle, 22 October 1997
- A Lawmaker's Firsthand View of the Bilingual Issue
– Assemblywoman Martha Escutia
has bitter memories of sink-or-swim; wants to mend, not end bilingual education.
Los Angeles Times, 23 October 1997
- Golding Supports Initiative Curbing Bilingual Classes
– Republican U.S. Senate candidates make
support for Unz a litmus test of conservatism.
Sacramento Bee, 24 October 1997
- The Politics of Race: The Views of Potential Candidates
– Statements by California's major political figures
on Unz.
Sacramento Bee, 28 October 1997
- Union Opposes Bilingual Measure
– 270,000-member California Teachers Association
vows to fight Unz.
Los Angeles Times, 29 October 1997
- Bilingual Backers Go on Offensive in Orange
– Unz opponents speak out.
Orange County Register, 31 October 1997
Unlikely Path Led to Wilson Foe's Far-Right Challenge
– Revealing profile of Ron Unz as Republican
candidate for governor.
Los Angeles Times, 8 May 1994
