State Language Legislation – 1999


Anti-Bilingual Initiative – Ballot measure proposed by "English for the Children - Arizona," closely modeled along the lines of California's Prop. 227 and bankrolled by the same sponsor, Ron Unz. PETITION DRIVE LAUNCHED 1/6/99; REQUIRES 101,762 VALID SIGNATURES OF REGISTERED VOTERS BY 7/6/00 TO QUALIFY FOR THE NOVEMBER 2000 BALLOT.
    Showdown Over Language
    Arizona Republic, 7 January 1999

Navajo Nation Council – Resolution "strongly opposing" English-only initiative, adopted unanimously, 20 July 1999.
    Council Slams Door on "English Only"
    Navajo Times, 22 July 1999

SB1001 – A bilingual education reform proposal by Sen. Joe Eddie Lopez that, unlike most bills so entitled, actually promises to improve education for LEP children: strengthens schools' accountability for student progress in English; expands parental rights to choose between educational alternatives; tackles the bilingual teacher shortage; and encourages programs that cultivate fluent bilingualism. PASSED SENATE, 3/17/99

HB2387 – Republican approach to "bilingual education reform"; would limit students' participation to 3 years. PASSED HOUSE, 3/10/99

Chapter 249 – Compromise bill; authorizes a study of legislative options on bilingual education, setting the stage for further action in 2000. SIGNED INTO LAW BY THE GOVERNOR, 5/17/99
     Compromise Bilingual Education Bill Would Give Parents New Rights
     Associated Press, 4 May 1999

Arizona Legislature

English Only' Amendment Hits `End of the Road' in High Court – Justices refuse to hear appeal by Arizonans for Official English.
Arizona Daily Star, 12 January 1999
     Full text of Arizona Supreme Court's decision (requires Adobe Acrobat)