by Ron K. Unz and Gloria Matta Tuchman
SECTION 1. Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 300) is added to Part
1 of the Educational Code, to read:
ARTICLE 1. Findings and Declarations
300. The People of California find and declare as follows:
(a) WHEREAS the English language is the national public language of
the United States of America and of the state of California, is spoken
by the vast majority of California residents, and is also the leading world
language for science, technology, and international business, thereby being
the language of economic opportunity; and
(b) WHEREAS immigrant parents are eager to have their children acquire
a good knowledge of English, thereby allowing them to fully participate
in the American Dream of economic and social advancement; and
(c) WHEREAS the government and the public schools of California have
a moral obligation and a constitutional duty to provide all of California's
children, regardless of their ethnicity or national origins, with the skills
necessary to become productive members of our society, and of these skills,
literacy in the English language is among the most important; and
(d) WHEREAS the public schools of California currently do a poor job
of educating immigrant children, wasting financial resources on costly
experimental language programs whose failure over the past two decades
is demonstrated by the current high drop-out rates and low English literacy
levels of many immigrant children; and
(e) WHEREAS young immigrant children can easily acquire full fluency
in a new language, such as English, if they are heavily exposed to that
language in the classroom at an early age.
(f) THEREFORE it is resolved that: all children in California public
schools shall be taught English as rapidly and effectively as possible.
ARTICLE 2. English Language Education
305. Subject to the exceptions provided in Article 3 (commencing with
Section 310), all children in California public schools shall be taught
English by being taught in English. In particular, this shall require that
all children be placed in English language classrooms.
Children who are English learners shall be educated through sheltered English
immersion during a temporary transition period not normally intended to
exceed one year.
Local schools shall be permitted to place in the same classroom English
learners of different ages but whose degree of English proficiency is similar.
Local schools shall be encouraged to mix together in the same classroom
English learners from different native-language groups but with the same
degree of English fluency.
Once English learners have acquired a good working knowledge of English,
they shall be transferred to English language mainstream classrooms. As
much as possible, current supplemental funding for English learners shall
be maintained, subject to possible modification under Article 8 (commencing
with Section 335) below.
306. The definitions of the terms used in this article and in Article
3 (commencing with Section 310) are as follows:
(a) "English learner" means a child who does not speak English or whose
native language is not English and who is not currently able to perform
ordinary classroom work in English, also known as a Limited English Proficiency
or LEP child.
(b) "English language classroom" means a classroom in which the language
of instruction used by the teaching personnel is overwhelmingly the English
language, and in which such teaching personnel possess a good knowledge
of the English language.
(c) "English language mainstream classroom" means a classroom in which
the students either are native English language speakers or already have
acquired reasonable fluency in English.
(d) "Sheltered English immersion" or "structured English immersion"
means an English language acquisition process for young children in which
nearly all classroom instruction is in English but with the curriculum
and presentation designed for children who are learning the language.
(e) "Bilingual education/native language instruction" means a language
acquisition process for students in which much or all instruction, textbooks,
and teaching materials are in the child's native language.
ARTICLE 3. Parental Exceptions
310. The requirements of Section 305 may be waived with the prior written
informed consent, to be provided annually, of the child's parents or legal
guardian under the circumstances specified below and in Section 311. Such
informed consent shall require that said parents or legal guardian personally
visit the school to apply for the waiver and that they there be provided
a full description of the educational materials to be used in the different
educational program choices and all the educational opportunities available
to the child.
Under such parental waiver conditions, children may be transferred to classes
where they are taught English and other subjects through bilingual education
techniques or other generally recognized educational methodologies permitted
by law. Individual schools in which 20 students or more of a given grade
level receive a waiver shall be required to offer such a class; otherwise,
they must allow the students to transfer to a public school in which such
a class is offered.
311. The circumstances in which a parental exception waiver may be granted
under Section 310 are as follows:
(a) Children who already know English: the child already possesses good
English language skills, as measured by standardized tests of English vocabulary
comprehension, reading, and writing, in which the child scores at or above
the state average for his grade level or at or above the 5th grade average,
whichever is lower; or
(b) Older children: the child is age 10 years or older, and it is the
informed belief of the school principal and educational staff that an alternate
course of educational study would be better suited to the child's rapid
acquisition of basic English language skills; or
(c) Children with special needs: the child already has been placed for
a period of not less than thirty days during that school year in an English
language classroom and it is subsequently the informed belief of the school
principal and educational staff that the child has such special physical,
emotional, psychological, or educational needs that an alternate course
of educational study would be better suited to the child's overall educational
development. A written description of these special needs must be provided
and any such decision is to be made subject to the examination and approval
of the local school superintendent, under guidelines established by and
subject to the review of the local Board of Education and ultimately the
State Board of Education. The existence of such special needs shall not
compel issuance of a waiver, and the parents shall be fully informed of
their right to refuse to agree to a waiver.
ARTICLE 4. Community-Based English Tutoring
315. In furtherance of its constitutional and legal requirement to offer
special language assistance to children coming from backgrounds of limited
English proficiency, the state shall encourage family members and others
to provide personal English language tutoring to such children, and support
these efforts by raising the general level of English language knowledge
in the community. Commencing with the fiscal year in which this initiative
is enacted and for each of the nine fiscal years following thereafter,
a sum of fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) per year is hereby appropriated
from the General Fund for the purpose of providing additional funding for
free or subsidized programs of adult English language instruction to parents
or other members of the community who pledge to provide personal English
language tutoring to California school children with limited English proficiency.
316. Programs funded pursuant to this section shall be provided through
schools or community organizations. Funding for these programs shall be
administered by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction,
and shall be disbursed at the discretion of the local school boards, under
reasonable guidelines established by, and subject to the review of, the
State Board of Education.
ARTICLE 5. Legal Standing and Parental Enforcement
320. As detailed in Article 2 (commencing with Section 305) and Article
3 (commencing with Section 310), all California school children have the
right to be provided with an English language public education. If a California
school child has been denied the option of an English language instructional
curriculum in public school, the child's parent or legal guardian shall
have legal standing to sue for enforcement of the provisions of this statute,
and if successful shall be awarded normal and customary attorney's fees
and actual damages, but not punitive or consequential damages. Any school
board member or other elected official or public school teacher or administrator
who willfully and repeatedly refuses to implement the terms of this statute
by providing such an English language educational option at an available
public school to a California school child may be held personally liable
for fees and actual damages by the child's parents or legal guardian.
ARTICLE 6. Severability
325. If any part or parts of this statute are found to be in conflict
with federal law or the United States or the California State Constitution,
the statute shall be implemented to the maximum extent that federal law,
and the United States and the California State Constitution permit. Any
provision held invalid shall be severed from the remaining portions of
this statute.
ARTICLE 7. Operative Date
330. This initiative shall become operative for all school terms which
begin more than sixty days following the date at which it becomes effective.
ARTICLE 8. Amendment.
335. The provisions of this act may be amended by a statute that becomes
effective upon approval by the electorate or by a statute to further the
act's purpose passed by a two-thirds vote of each house of the Legislature
and signed by the Governor.
ARTICLE 9. Interpretation
340. Under circumstances in which portions of this statute are subject
to conflicting interpretations, Section 300 shall be assumed to contain
the governing intent of the statute.
Ron K. Unz, a high-technology entrepreneur, is Chairman of One Nation/One
California, 555 Bryant St. #371, Palo Alto, CA 94301.
Gloria Matta Tuchman, an elementary school teacher, is Chair of REBILLED,
the Committee to Reform Bi-Lingual Education, 1742 Lerner Lane, Santa Ana,
CA 92705. |