of the
Strongly Opposing the Proposed Arizona Initiative "English
Language Education for Children in Public Schools" and Directing the
Education Committee and the Division of Diné
Education to Inform and Educate Navajo Schools, Parents, and Voters of
the Content and Consequences of This Initiative.
1. Pursuant to 2 N.N.C. §102, the
Navajo Nation Council is the governing body of the Navajo Nation; and
2. pursuant to 10 N.N.C. § 111, The
Navajo language is an essential element of the life, culture and identity
of the Navajo people. The Navajo Nation recognizes the importance of preserving
and perpetuating that language to the survival of the Nation. Instruction
in the Navajo language shall be made available for all grade levels in
all schools serving the Navajo Nation.
3. An Arizona initiative entitled "English
Language Education for Children in Public Schools" (or "AZ Unz
initiative", attached as Exhibit "A") is being circulated
by an English Only group called "English for the Children of Arizona"
(EChAr) for signatures which would cause it to be placed on the Arizona
ballot in November 2000; and
4. Ron Unz, a well-to-do California computer
entrepreneur, managed the "Unz Initiative" (Proposition 227)
which was passed in California last summer; he is now backing similar initiatives
in Arizona and other states. The proposed AZ Unz initiative, a stricter
version of last year's CA Unz initiative, is intended to revise Arizona's
language education laws to make it even more difficult for Arizona children
to receive developmental English or bilingual instruction than CA Unz now
does for California children; and
5. The AZ Unz initiative is an "English
Only" initiative that would place all children with limited English
in an "intensive one-year [only] English program" which they
call "sheltered English immersion" or "structured English
immersion" ( see analysis attached as Exhibit "8"); and
6. In the late 80's, the federally-funded
Ramírez study, intended to prove
the superiority of multi-year "structured English immersion",
failed to do so; the AZ Unz initiative would mandate a single year
of such instruction; and
7. "Structured/sheltered English"
is presented as "a temporary transition period not to exceed one
year", would mix children of different language backgrounds and
ages together, and would forbid teaching any subject (including reading
and writing) in a language other than English; and
8. The proposed AZ Unz initiative would
be even more restrictive than the earlier California Unz initiative. Although
in theory the AZ Unz initiative would allow parents to request waivers,
in practice it would be almost impossible to get such waivers approved;
9. Complying with all requirements for
requesting waivers would still not ensure that parents could have their
child placed in a bilingual program; and
10. Parents or legal guardians opposing
bilingual education would be given "legal standing" to sue school
officials who refuse to implement the AZ Unz initiative. Those officials
could be found personally liable for fees and damages, immediately removed
from office, and barred from public school authority for five years; and
11. This initiative is intended to implement
the ideology of the "English Only" movement; it is meant to restrict
students, despite their parents' wishes, to one ideologically approved
language development program; and
12. The Navajo Nation experienced almost
a hundred years of "English Only" education between the late
1860's and the late 1960's. Only with the inclusion of some Navajo language
and culture in the schools did more Navajo students begin to succeed. Good
Navajo-and-English bilingual education programs can and do work; and
13. Less than half of Navajo students now
enter school speaking any Navajo. The Navajo Education Policies, 10 N.N.C.
§101 et. seq., call for instruction in Navajo (and English) at all
grades in all Navajo schools. Passage of the AZ Unz initiative would place
Arizona Navajo public schools in a difficult position between conflicting
Arizona and Navajo Nation laws; and
14. The proponents of this initiative have
stated that children are now being placed and retained in bilingual programs
against their parents' wishes. Existing state and federal law already prohibits
this. But they are intent on placing students in "structured /sheltered
English immersion" programs, whether or not their parents want them
in such programs; and
15. The Navajo Nation is much more concerned
about the continuing loss of the Navajo language and the relative lack
of quality Navajo and English bilingual education programs. These ideological
attacks on bilingual education are understood as attacks on the rights
of Navajo children and Navajo parents, and on the future of the Navajo
language and way of life; and
16. The Education Committee of the Navajo
Nation Council by resolution ECJY 74-99 (attached as Exhibit "C")
has recommended that the Navajo Nation Council strongly oppose the AZ Unz
initiative and direct the Education Committee and the Division of Diné
Education to inform and educate Navajo schools, parents, and voters of
the contents and consequences of this initiative.
1. The Navajo Nation Council reaffirms
the Nation's policies for Navajo language instruction for all students
in all grades in Navajo schools.
2. The Navajo Nation Council reaffirms
the Nation's opposition to "English Only" legislation as constituting
threats to Navajo children and their parents.
3. The Navajo Nation Council states its
strong opposition to the proposed Arizona "English Language Education
for Children in Public Schools" initiative.
4. The Navajo Nation Council directs the
Education Committee and the Division of Dine Education to inform and educate
Navajo schools, parents, and voters about the contents and consequences
of this proposed initiative.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution
was duly considered by the Navajo Nation Council at a duly called meeting
in Window Rock, Navajo Nation, (Arizona), at which a quorum was present
and that the same was adopted by a vote of 64 in favor, 0 opposed, and
0 abstained, this 20th day of July, 1999.
Edward T. Begay, Speaker
Navajo Nation Council
Council Slams Door on "English Only"
Navajo Times,
22 July 1999