Videos Now Available on the Unz Initiative
Proposition 227:
How Will It Affect Our Children?
A 12-minute video produced by Jon Silver, designed to
help inform the public about the potential impact of the Unz initiative.
Includes interviews with the president of the California PTA, a Silicon
Valley CEO, English- and Spanish-speaking parents, a Stanford engineering
major who attributes her success to bilingual education, a member of the
clergy, an expert in second-language education (Dr. Stephen Krashen), and
a board member of the California school administrators' group (ACSA). Useful
for house meetings, community events, workshops, and other venues.
Teacher Roundtable:
Language, Learning and Proposition 227
A half-hour video that explores the potential impact of
the the Unz initiative if approved by voters on June 2. Bilingual and English
mainstream teachers from the Pajaro Valley (Watsonville, California) discuss
a range of issues:
- How will children learn?
- How will we teach?
- English-only won't help children
- Teaching English is the goal
- Sued for speaking a foreign language
- Proposition 227 is unfair to children
At the end of Teacher Roundtable there are two 30-second
"No on 227" advertisements.
This video is useful for house meetings, group discussions,
workshops, and for anyone interested in teachers' perspectives on bilingual
education, Proposition 227, and education issues generally.
To order, send $10 for each video to:
Migrant Media Productions
P.O. Box 2048
Freedom, CA 95019
(408) 728-8949
