Issues in U.S. Language Policy
Unz Initiative Editorials
1997 Archive
- A Few `Facts' to Fuel the Debate on How to Teach
Our Kids, by Robert B. Gunnison – Unz campaign
runs on anecdotes, not evidence.
San Francisco Chronicle, 2 November 1997
- Under the Anti-Bilingual Initiative, Kids Will
Flounder Each Autumn, by Jim Shultz – Unz would
deny parental choice and create chaos in schools.
Sacramento Bee, 2 November 1997
- The Storm over Bilingual Ed
– Conflicting opinions by columnist Joanne
Jacobs, 2nd grade teacher Lisa Dilles, and education professor Alexander
San Jose Mercury News, 6 November 1997
- Moral D-Unz, by
Marc Cooper – If Unz
really cared about kids, he'd work to increase school funding and guarantee
equal opportunity.
New Times Los Angeles, 20 November 1997
- An Opportunity for Latino Lawmakers to Take the
Lead, by Gregory Rodríguez
– Unz sets the stage for a legislative
compromise on bilingual education.
Los Angeles Times, 30 November 1997
- State Republicans Speak Divisively
– Attempt to ban bilingual education is based on politics, not pedagogy.
San Jose Mercury News, 3 October 1997
- Bilingual Is a Damaging Myth, by Ron Unz –
Bilingualism is good but English is better.
Los Angeles Times, 19 October 1997
- Bilingual Education: A Wake-Up Call for the Legislature
– Times poll on Unz increases pressure for legislative compromise on bilingual
Sacramento Bee, 22 October 1997
- Out of A Linguistic Ghetto, by George F. Will
– Bilingual education is "another
example of compassion that cripples," which immigrants will reject
because of their innate conservatism.
Washington Post, 26 October 1997
- Bilingual Education: A Squandered Opportunity –
"Well-planned and implemented bilingual education programs
work," while others fail to teach English well. Conclusion: reject
Unz but limit bilingual programs to 3 years (???).
Los Angeles Times, 26 October
- Bilingual Education Opponents Aren't Telling the
Truth, by Joan Baca – Principal invites Unz to
visit her school to grasp the damage his initiative would do.
Burbank Leader, 29 October 1997
- Desperate to Learn English,
by Alice Callaghan, an anti-bilingual activist.
New York Times, 15 August 1997
Letter to the Editor,
by Juan Figueroa, president, Puerto Rican Legal
Defense and Education Fund, in response to
New York Times, 20 August 1997
- California Conservatism's
Worst Nightmare Revealed, by Sherry Bebitch Jeffe – Republicans fear
mass desertion by Latinos.
Los Angeles Times, 17 August 1997
- Bilingual Schooling Is the
Next Fight, by Carlos Muñoz Jr.
San Jose Mercury News, 17 August 1997
- GOP Confronts Future Without
Hispanics: Adios! By Paul Gigot
Wall Street Journal, 22 August 1997
- Learning in Language Pupils
Understand, By Gwen Ferguson – A teacher speaks out on the failure
of English-only immersion programs.
Los Angeles Times, 24 August 1997
- Batalla en California,
by Max J. Castro – Critique of Unz en español.
El Nuevo Herald (Miami), 25 August 1997
