English Plus Declaration
in New Mexico
State declarations of Official English
produced a counter-trend: legislative endorsement of English Plus. In March
1989, at the urging of the New Mexico State Task Force on Modern and Classical
Languages, the New Mexico legislature adopted House Joint Memorial 16,
a nonbinding resolution "Supporting Language Rights in the United
States." It thus became the first state to adopt an English Plus resolution,
soon followed by Oregon and Washington State.
WHEREAS the people of New Mexico promote the spirit of
diversity-with-harmony represented by the various cultures that make up
the fabric of our state and American society; and
WHEREAS the people of New Mexico acknowledge that "English
Plus" best serves the national interest since it promotes the
concept that all members of our society have full access to opportunities
to effectively learn English plus develop proficiency in a second or multiple
languages; and
WHEREAS the people of New Mexico recognize that the position
of English in the United States needs no official legislation to support
it; and
WHEREAS the people of New Mexico recognize that for survival
in the twenty-first century our country needs both the preservation of
the cultures and languages among us and the fostering of proficiency in
other languages on the part of its citizens;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED ... that the First Session
of the Thirty-Ninth Legislature of the State of New Mexico hereby reaffirms
its advocacy of the teaching of other languages in the United States and
its belief that the position of English is not threatened. Proficiency
on the part of our citizens in more than one language is to the economic
and cultural benefit of our state and the nation, whether that proficiency
derives from second language study by English speakers or from home language
maintenance plus English acquisition by speakers of other languages. Proficiency
in English plus other languages should be encouraged throughout the State.
