3-C:1 Official State Language
I. The official language of the state of New Hampshire
shall be English. English is designated as the language of all official
public documents and records, and of all public proceedings and nonpublic
II. For the purposes of this chapter, "official public
documents and records" are all documents officially compiled, published,
or recorded by the state.
III. For the purposes of this chapter, "public proceedings
and nonpublic sessions" mean those proceedings and sessions as defined
in RSA 91-A, and includes the information recorded at such proceedings
and sessions.
3-C:2 Exceptions
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply:
I. To all public proceedings between the state of New
Hampshire and the province of Quebec when, in the opinion of the state
administrator involved in such proceedings, it may be necessary to conduct
such proceedings between Quebec and New Hampshire wholly or partially in
French, and to use official public documents and records during the public
proceedings, which are written wholly or partially in French.
II. To instruction in foreign language courses, or other
requirements of the state university system.
III. To instruction designed to aid students with limited
English in a timely transition and integration into the general education
IV. To the promotion of international commerce, tourism,
and sporting events.
V. When deemed to interfere with needs of the justice
VI. When the public good, public safety, health, or emergency
services require the use of other languages.
VII. When expert testimony or witnesses may require a
language other than English; provided, however, that for purposes of deliberation,
decision making, or recordkeeping, the official version of such testimony
or commentary shall be the officially translated English-language version.
3-C:3 Employment
No person shall be denied employment with the state or
with any political subdivision of the state based solely upon the person's
lack of facility in a foreign language, except when related to bona fide
job needs reflected in the exceptions listed in RSA 3-C:2.
3-C:4 Construction
This chapter shall not be construed in any way to infringe
on the rights of citizens under the state constitution or the constitution
of the United States in the use of language in activities or functions
conducted in the private sector. No agency or officer of the state shall
place any restrictions or requirements regarding language usage for businesses
operating in the private sector other than in official documents, forms,
submissions, or other communications directed to governmental agencies
and officers, which communications shall be in English as recognized in
this chapter.
Source: Charles V. Dale and Mark Gurevitz,
Legal Analysis of Proposals to Make English the Official Language of
the United States, Oct. 17, 1995, Washington, D.C.: Congressional
Research Service.
