Links to Related SitesLanguage Minority Education
Language Education Associates – Publisher of research on bilingualism and language acquisition, including Under Attack: The Case Against Bilingual Education, by Stephen Krashen. ESL Standards for Pre-K–12 Students – A comprehensive vision of English as a second language: what students must learn and how. National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition – The Internet's most extensive resource in this field, with hundreds of publications available for download, a searchable database of more than 20,000 references, and constantly updated information about research and policy developments.
Center for Multilingual, Multicultural Research – University of Southern California Linguistic Minority Research Institute – University of California, Santa Barbara Jill Kerper Mora – San Diego State Univesity, School of Teacher Education; excellent site on bilingual education, Prop. 227, and related matters. Southwest Center for Education Equity & Language Diversity – Arizona State University Professional Organizations
Government Resources Opponents of Bilingual Education
Language Futures Europe – An exhaustive collection of links on multilingualism, nationalism, EEC language policies, and the global dominance of English (on and off the Internet), among numerous other topics; emphasis on Europe, but also features sites on U.S. monolingual follies. Language Policy Research Center – Comprehensive site devoted to language issues in Israel. For a Multilingual Turn in American Studies, by Werner Sollors – On-line discussion organized by the American Studies Association, including responses by an international group of scholars. "Language Becomes War by Other Means" – International conflicts proliferate; Christian Science Monitor, 10 December 1997.
Should English Be the Law? – Atlantic Monthly article by Robert D. King, April 1997.
U.S. English – The major lobby for language restrictions, founded in 1983 by the late Sen. S. I. Hayakawa and Dr. John Tanton; built the modern English Only movement. English First – A competing advocacy group, founded in 1986 by Far Right activist Larry Pratt; a distant second in funding and influence. ProEnglish – Founded by the Tanton clique after it lost a power struggle to control U.S. English. The most extreme wing of an extremist movement, it enjoys very limited influence. Con: Organizational Statements
Stabilizing Indigenous Languages (1994 & 1995) Teaching Indigenous Languages (1997) Revitalizing Indigenous Languages (1998) "SPEAKING
IN TONGUES: As Telecommunications, Tourism and Trade Make the World
a Smaller Place, Languages Are Dying at an Alarming Rate," by James Geary,
Time International Edition, July 7, 1997
Center for Applied Linguistics Ebonics Information PageImmigration
ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages & Linguistics – Starting point for research on a virtually any topic in applied linguistics. Human Languages Page – Giant catalog of language-related resources on the Internet. Linguist List – Archives and current messages of a popular listserv sponsored by the Linguistic Society of America. National Council for Languages and International Studies – A coalition of professional organizations representing foreign-language educators.
Last updated on 22 September 2002 |