"Barbarous Dialects Should Be Blotted Out ..."
Excerpts from the 1887 Report of the Commissioner of Indian
By J. D. C. Atkins
In the report of this office for 1885, incidental allusion
was made to the importance of teaching Indians the English language, the
paragraph being as follows:
A wider and better knowledge of the English language among
them is essential to their comprehension of the duties and obligations
of citizenship. At this time but few of the adult population can speak
a word of English, but with the efforts now being made by the Government
and by religious and philanthropic associations and individuals, especially
in the Eastern States, with the missionary and the schoolmaster industriously
in the field everywhere among the tribes, it is to be hoped, and it is
confidently believed, that among the next generation of Indians the English
language will be sufficiently spoken and used to enable them to become
acquainted with the laws, customs, and institutions of our country.
The idea was not a new one. As far back as 1868 the commission
known as the "Peace Commission," composed of Generals Sherman,
Harney, Sanborn, and Terry, and Messrs. Taylor (then Commissioner of Indian
Affairs), Henderson, Tappan, and Augur, embodied in the report of their
investigations into the condition of Indian tribes their matured and pronounced
views on this subject, from which I make the following extracts:
The white and Indian must mingle together and jointly
occupy the country, or one of them must abandon it. ... What prevented
their living together? ... Third. The difference in language, which in
a great measure barred intercourse and a proper understanding each of the
other's motives and intentions. Now, by educating the children of these
tribes in the English language these differences would have disappeared,
and civilization would have followed at once. Nothing then would have been
left but the antipathy of race, and that, too, is always softened in the
beams of a higher civilization. ... Through sameness of language is produced
sameness of sentiment, and thought; customs and habits are moulded and
assimilated in the same way, and thus in process of time the differences
producing trouble would have been gradually obliterated. By civilizing
one tribe others would have followed. Indians of different tribes associate
with each other on terms of equality; they have not the Bible, but their
religion, which we call superstition, teaches them that the Great Spirit
made us all. In the difference of language to-day lies two-thirds of our
trouble. ... Schools should be established, which children should be required
to attend; their barbarous dialects should be blotted out and the English
language substituted. ... The object of greatest solicitude should be to
break down the prejudices of tribe among the Indians; to blot out the boundary
lines which divide them into distinct nations, and fuse them into one homogeneous
mass. Uniformity of language will do this – nothing else will.
In the regulations of the Indian Bureau issued by the
Indian Office in 1880, for the guidance of Indian agents, occurs this paragraph:
All instruction must be in English, except in so far as
the native language of the pupils shall be a necessary medium for conveying
the knowledge of English, and the conversation of and communications between
the pupils and with the teacher must be, as far as practicable, in English.
In 1884 the following order was issued by the Department
to the office, being called out by the report that in one of the schools
instruction was being given in both Dakota and English:
You will please inform the authorities of this school
that the English language only must be taught the Indian youth placed there
for educational and industrial training at the expense of the Government.
If Dakota or any other language is taught such children, they will be taken
away and their support by the Government will be withdrawn from the school.
In my report for 1886 I reiterated the thought of my previous
report, and clearly outlining my attitude and policy I said:
In my first report I expressed very decidedly the idea
that Indians should be taught the English language only. From that position
I believe, so far as I am advised, there is no dissent either among the
law-makers or the executive agents who are selected under the law to do
the work. There is not an Indian pupil whose tuition and maintenance is
paid for by the United States Government who is permitted to study any
other language than our own vernacular – the language of the greatest,
most powerful, and enterprising nationalities beneath the sun. The English
language as taught in America is good enough for all her people of all
Longer and closer consideration of the subject has only
deepened my conviction that it is a matter not only of importance, but
of necessity that the Indians acquire the English language as rapidly as
possible. The Government has entered upon the great work of educating and
citizenizing the Indians and establishing them upon homesteads. The adults
are expected to assume the role of citizens, and of course the rising generation
will be expected and required more nearly to fill the measure of citizenship,
and the main purpose of educating them is to enable them to read, write,
and speak the English language and to transact business with English-speaking
people. When they take upon themselves the responsibilities and privileges
of citizenship their vernacular will be of no advantage. Only through the
medium of the English tongue can they acquire a knowledge of the Constitution
of the country and their rights and duties thereunder.
Every nation is jealous of its own language, and no nation
ought to be more so than ours, which approaches nearer than any other nationality
to the perfect protection of its people. True Americans all feel that the
Constitution, laws, and institutions of the United States, in their adaptation
to the wants and requirements of man, are superior to those of any other
country; and they should understand that by the spread of the English language
will these laws and institutions be more firmly established and widely
disseminated. Nothing so surely and perfectly stamps upon an individual
a national characteristic as language. So manifest and important is this
than nations the world over, in both ancient and modern times, have ever
imposed the strictest requirements upon their public schools as to the
teaching of the national tongue. Only English has been allowed to be taught
in the public schools in the territory acquired by this country from Spain,
Mexico, and Russia, although the native populations spoke another tongue.
All are familiar with the recent prohibitory order of the German Empire
forbidding the teaching of the French language in either public or private
schools in Alsace and Lorraine. Although the population is almost universally
opposed to German rule, they are firmly held to German political allegiance
by the military hand of the Iron Chancellor. If the Indians were in Germany
or France or any other civilized country, they should be instructed in
the language there used. As they are in an English-speaking country, they
must be taught the language which they must use in transacting business
with the people of this country. No unity or community of feeling can be
established among different peoples unless they are brought to speak the
same language, and thus become imbued with like ideas of duty.
Deeming it for the very best interest of the Indian, both
as an individual and as an embryo citizen, to have this policy strictly
enforced among the various schools on Indian reservations, orders have
been issued accordingly to Indian agents, and the text of the orders and
of some explanations made thereof are given below:
December 14, 1886
In all schools conducted by missionary organizations it
is required that all instructions shall be given in the English language.
February 2, 1887
In reply I have to advise you that the rule applies to
all schools on Indian reservations, whether they be Government or mission
schools. The instruction of the Indians in the vernacular is not only of
no use to them, but is detrimental to the cause of their education and
civilization, and no school will be permitted on the reservation in which
the English language is not exclusively taught. ...
To teach Indian school children in their native tongue
is practically to exclude English, and to prevent them from acquiring it.
This language, which is good enough for a white man and a black man, ought
to be good enough for the red man. It is also believed that teaching an
Indian youth in his own barbarous dialect is a positive detriment to him.
The first step to be taken toward civilization, toward teaching the Indians
the mischief and folly of continuing in their barbarous practices, is to
teach them the English language. The impracticability, if not impossibility,
of civilizing the Indians of this country in any other tongue than our
own would seem to be obvious, especially in view of the fact that the number
of Indian vernaculars is even greater than the number of tribes. ...
But it has been suggested that this order, being mandatory,
gives a cruel blow to the sacred rights of the Indians. Is it cruelty to
the Indian to force him to give up his scalping-knife and tomahawk? Is
it cruelty to force him to abandon the vicious and barbarous sun dance,
where he lacerates his flesh, and dances and tortures himself even unto
death? Is it cruelty to the Indian to force him to have his daughters educated
and married under the laws of the land, instead of selling them at a tender
age for a stipulated price into concubinage to gratify the brutal lusts
of ignorance and barbarism?
