State Question 689
Initiative Petition 366

Declared unconstitutional by the Oklahoma Supreme Court, 2 April 2002, and is therefore "insufficient for submission to a vote of the people of Oklahoma."

This measure adds a new section of law to the Oklahoma statutes for the purpose of declaring English to be the official language of the State. It requires all state business to be conducted in English. It directs all state moneys appropriated for use in conducting state business in a language other than English to not be spent and be returned to the General Revenue Fund. The Director of State Finance is directed to establish rules for the return of the moneys and to report to the Governor and Legislature how much money is returned. The Legislature is authorized to spend the returned money for English as a second language programs. Exceptions are provided for compliance with the State Constitution, the United States Constitution and federal laws and regulations, and for school systems for use to promote proficiency in English and teach foreign languages as established by the State Board of Education and the State Regents for Higher Education. Constitutional rights of all citizens and businesses are specifically protected. January 1, 2001, is established as the date on which this act shall be implemented.


( ) Yes – For the Statutory Amendment

( ) No – Against the Statutory Amendment

Status: Pending - Circulation Period

Due date for signatures to be filed August 8, 2000.